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Tag: feelings

Articles tagged as Feelings

Tips for Better Communication

Posted on February 27, 2023 by Christoper Breuninger
Communication challenges cause stress, lack of productivity, poor organizational performance, and reduced standard of living, both on / off the job.Think about the most stressful interpersonal challenges which you have had and it’s likely that good that poor or inappropriate communication contributed to the issue.At the core of several stressful situations are interactions with individuals who might not be doing things just how that you'd expect...

Techniques For Delightful Nonverbal Communication

Posted on October 3, 2022 by Christoper Breuninger
Using words to mention feelings is something a lot of women do greater than most men.Since birth, women are trained to speak about feelings, to understand the language of emotion and rapport.Men aren't.Women want men to meet up them on the turf of conveying innermostt feelings.But a lot of men can't because they've never learned how.Okay to readily accomplish that, you both may choose to try nonverbal communication...

Learn To Listen

Posted on December 16, 2021 by Christoper Breuninger
We constantly hear about communication being the key in a relationship.If we're constantly talking and not listening, then communication becomes meaningless.It is difficult to hear what somebody else is saying, particularly when our feelings, ideas and opinions are different.Here are 3 reasons why learning to listen to benefits our relationships.1.Shows Respect - When having a conversation, listening to another person shows that you respect what they're saying...

Improve Your Marriage With Better Communication

Posted on October 10, 2021 by Christoper Breuninger
Communication plays one of the most important roles in any type of relationship whether a professional association or a more intimate bond such as marriage.A number of these relationships do not develop into their full potential because the communication link is missing or weak.If you're trying to save your marriage or connect with your marriage partner on a deeper level, the following advice may give you a fresh outlook that can help your marriage grow into the relationship you have always desired...