Tag: talking
Articles tagged as Talking
Talking to People Made Easy
Posted on December 19, 2024 by Christoper Breuninger
Have you ever noticed how personalities with 'people skills' just appear to naturally radiate a confident energy making speaking with people absolutely possible for them? In parties or in bars, you will notice 'people magnets', or those that create a crowd gather around them because their personality or what they need to say proves to be irresistible to numerous people.The skill of experiencing the affinity of speaking with people doesn't need to be an innate quality, it is also an acquired or developed skill...
Lack of Communication in a Relationship
Posted on September 24, 2022 by Christoper Breuninger
Among the most important elements of a successful relationship is effective communication between both parties.Deficiency of communication in a relationship could lead to hasty decisions that may even result in separation.We will need to comprehend the motives behind communication breakdown and how they may be avoided to ensure a fulfilling relationship.Sometimes stress of work makes a person pulled, reserved and easily irritated...
The Importance Of Listening
Posted on June 8, 2022 by Christoper Breuninger
In these modern times we as people are extremely busy.We've got multiple distractions.Distractions like cell phones, computers, Ipods and 24/7 television.We're constantly talking.Even if we are listening we're continually chattering in our mind.Formulating a response, or reacting to what's being said.Most of us want to speak, but so few want to listen.We hear what's being said but are we really listening? What is listening?To enter this question we can start with what it isn't...
Improve Your Marriage With Better Communication
Posted on January 10, 2022 by Christoper Breuninger
Communication plays one of the most important roles in any type of relationship whether a professional association or a more intimate bond such as marriage.A number of these relationships do not develop into their full potential because the communication link is missing or weak.If you're trying to save your marriage or connect with your marriage partner on a deeper level, the following advice may give you a fresh outlook that can help your marriage grow into the relationship you have always desired...