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Tag: thoughts

Articles tagged as Thoughts

Can You Avoid a Breakdown of Communication?

Posted on January 16, 2024 by Christoper Breuninger
We all have to communicate well to be able to build and keep maintaining good relationships with people.Your task can even be determined by it - you may want to sell, persuade, teach, lead.There are several times when you should be a skilful communicator.Sometimes our communications might need some mental self create them better.We all have occasions when no-one appears to understand us - it's probably happened for you often...

Couples Counseling

Posted on August 27, 2023 by Christoper Breuninger
It is amazing how some couples meet, click immediately and get together with little difficulty while some appear to be like water and oil from the onset.Conflicting opinions and occasional disagreements should be expected in a relationship.Two different people with different upbringings will have different perceptions, values and opinions.When does conflict and disagreement go from being truly a healthy method of maintaining an individuality of oneself to becoming detrimental to a relationship? So how exactly does you know when it's time and energy to admit that the enlisting the aid of another person, like a therapist, is effective?First, have a look at how you or your lover express yourselves if you have an improvement of opinion:Is there perpetual blaming and fingerpointing?Blaming is really a defense mechanism that lots of people use if they feel attacked as a way to emotionally protect themselves...